About Urban DK
The danish graffiti artist
Urban DK about Urban DK
I've painted graffiti since the mid eighties and I'm a strictly leagal graffiti artist, living partly from my graffiti-art. Else I'm self-employed doing software for the Internet based on my master's degree in software development from the IT University of Copenhagen, which I've taken on top of my education as a schoolteacher.

I'm working under the pseudonym Urban DK aka Urban, since graffiti is still considered controversial - even when legal. Also, having a streetname, is a part of the game.

I've done graffitiart for a lot of companies in Denmark e.g. Microsoft, Novo Nordisk, Lundbeck, TDC, Danfoss Universe, Kwintet Kansas and ConocoPhillips JET. Through several years, I've been teaching graffitiart in after school classes in Copenhagen and held workshops for companies, schools and educational institutions.

Since 2006 I've been accepted in Danske Billedkunstnere (Danish Visual Artists).

English guide to the site

Senest opdateret 23-02-2020 20:52 af URB